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reptile surveys

Grass Snake

Reptiles frequently occur on both green and brown field development sites and are protected in the UK against killing and injury. The four reptile species found in eastern England are adder, grass snake, common lizard  and slow worm.

Wild Frontier Ecology is highly experienced in reptile surveys and mitigation for development.  If a Preliminary Ecological Assessment identifies suitable habitat for reptiles, it is possible that a survey will be needed to establish presence/ absence. A survey involves deployment of artificial refuges, which are periodically checked for reptile presence. If reptiles are found, we will advise on strategies for avoidance of harm and subsequent net biodiversity gain. 

Reptile Services

  • Habitat suitability assessment for reptiles
  • Reptile surveys – presence/ absence and population 
  • Habitat creation and enhancement for reptiles
  • Precautionary Methods of Working for reptiles
  • Advice on legal implications of a project in relation to reptiles
  • Mitigation work – installing exclusion fencing, and trapping out development sites, habitat manipulation
  • Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW)

Project Examples

Relocation of common lizards

Wild-Frontier Ecology completed the successful removal and relocation of common lizards and slow worm from a housing development site in Suffolk.  After negotiation with the local council, over 200 animals…

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